In truth, there’s no us, there’s just me… Todd Vercoe was researched and (in a previous form) created as part of my M.A. thesis for Teachers College, Columbia University.
It’s my firm belief that games used in the education of students of languages are fun, relaxing, motivational and non-threatening methods of reaching students in a very meaningful way that makes real use of language.
This website was created to help disseminate information about games and language learning to teachers, students and researchers.
I hope that if you’re not able to find what you need here at that I’ve been able to direct you a useful website or connect you with another person whose needs match your own.
- Feel that other information would be useful?
- Think I’ve missed something?
- Want a game, book or website reviewed?
- Have something to contribute to TesolGames?
Please, feel free to contact me.
I’m available for speaking engagements and am always ready to speak out on :
- Who should be playing games (everyone!)
- How to use games in the language classroom and beyond
- Why to use games in the language classroom and beyond
- When to use games in the language classroom and beyond
- What games to use in the language classroom and beyond
- Which games to play to teach different elements of language
- Where to use games, not just for the classroom but beyond and elsewhere
Thanks for visiting.
P.S. A special thanks to all that helped in the creation of this website and blog.
Last updated: May 9, 2013 at 16:22 pm
A TesolGame Quote
To handle a language skillfully is to practice a kind of evocative sorcery.
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