Keeping abreast of the latest in play and/or games research can be a daunting and difficult task.
With hopes of making the research task a little easier, we’ve collected links to some of the best academic journals in the world.
We offer links to journals that are focused on play and games (broadly defined) though you may also want to take a look at our links to journals that focus more on language teaching and linguistics or those that focus on education.
If you feel that we’re missing a journal or would like to add your own, please contact us and we’ll be happy to add it to the list.
Last updated: May 29, 2013 at 14:14 pm
Ada is a feminist, multimodal, peer reviewed journal that examines the intersections of gender, new media, and technology. It is a publication of the Fembot Collective. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 2325-0496
An interdisciplinary publication of The Strong Museum, the American Journal of Play is a forum for discussing the history, science, and culture of play. The Journal aims to increase awareness and understanding of the role of play in learning and human development and the ways in which play illuminates cultural history. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1938-0399 eISSN 1938-0402
Annals of Leisure Research publishes refereed articles which promote the development of research and scholarship in leisure studies. Although originating in Australasia, Annals is aimed at an international readership and seeks theoretical or applied articles which cover any topic within the broad area of leisure studies, including recreation, tourism, hospitality, the arts, outdoor recreation, events, entertainment, sport, culture and play. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1174-5398 eISSN 2159-6816
Board Game Studies: International Journal for the Study of Board Games
Board Game Studies: International Journal for the Study of Board Games is an academic journal for historical and systematic research on board games. Its object is to provide a forum for board games research from all academic disciplines in order to further our understanding of the development and distribution of board games within an interdisciplinary academic context. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 0925-3084
The Computer Games Journal exists to publish and allow discussion on research and related work on computer games development. The journal publishes more than the standard peer-reviewed academic papers, it contains communications and review papers, essays, selected papers and posters from conference proceedings, and selected chapters from BSc/MSc/PhD dissertations. Publishes 2 issues per year.
Computers & Education is an established technically-based, interdisciplinary forum for communication in the use of all forms of computing in this socially and technologically significant area of application and will continue to publish definitive contributions to serve as a reference standard against which the current state-of-the-art can be assessed. The journal publishes papers on cognition, educational or training systems development using techniques from and applications in any technical knowledge domain: social issues and gender issues; curricula considerations, graphics, simulations, computer-aided design, computer integrated manufacture, artificial intelligence and its applications including intelligent tutoring systems and computer assisted language learning; hypertext and hypermedia; user interfaces to learning systems; management of technological change on campus and in local education; uses of advanced technology information systems, networks, terrestrial and satellite transmissions and distributed processing; and virtual reality in an educational context; state-of-the-art summaries and review articles. Publishes 10 issues per year. ISSN 0360-1315
ACM Computers in Entertainment aims to foster critical discussions and innovative thoughts among entertainment computing scholars and professionals as well as creative executives, writers, producers, directors, artists, designers, and other talents. This site features both peer-reviewed articles as well as non-refereed content in all aspects of entertainment technology and applications. It serves as a place to build community, find research partners, discover new possibilities, and share cutting-edge ideas. We accept submissions of articles, interviews, commentaries, industry news, product reviews, book critiques, games, and blogs posts. Publishes 2-3 times per year. ISSN 1544-3574
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
Convergence is an international peer-reviewed academic journal which was set up in 1995 to address the creative, social, political and pedagogical issues raised by the advent of new media technologies. As an international research journal, it provides a forum both for monitoring and exploring developments and for publishing vital research. Published quarterly and adopting an inter-disciplinary approach, Convergence has developed this area into an entirely new research field. Topics include: Video games; Cable and telecoms; Mobile media/content; Internet studies; Digital/new media art; Digital photography; VR; Control and censorship of the media; Copyright/intellectual property; New media – policy, industries/institutions, history, cross-cultural/international contexts, products; Digital TV; DVD; Digital music – recording, production, distribution, file formats/file sharing; Cinema; And gender and technology. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1354-8565 eISSN 1748-7382
Digital Creativity is a peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of the creative arts and digital technologies. It publishes articles of interest to those involved in the practical task and theoretical aspects of making or using digital media in creative contexts. By the term 'creative arts' we include such disciplines as fine art, graphic design, illustration, photography, printmaking, sculpture, 3D design, interaction design, product design, textile and fashion design, film making, animation, games design, music, dance, drama, creative writing, poetry, interior design, architecture, and urban design. Topics that fall within the scope of the journal include: New insights through the use of digital media in the creative process; The relationships between practice, research and technology; The design and making of digital artefacts and environments; Digital based media in the learning of arts and design; Interaction relationships between digital media and audience/public; Aspects of digital media and storytelling; And theoretical concepts. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1462-6268 eISSN 1744-3806
Digital Culture & Education is an international inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal. This interactive, open-access web-published journal is for those interested in digital culture and education. The journal is devoted to analysing the impact of digital culture on identity, education, art, society, culture and narrative within social, political, economic, cultural and historical contexts. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 1836-8301
Through this website, you can access research published by the Digital Games Research Association. The purpose of the online archive is to gather together the research presented and published in games research conferences and seminars, and thereby facilitate spread of knowledge in this research field. Publishes following no set schedule.
Digital Islam is a research project that focuses on the Middle East, Islam, and digital media. It aims to analyze the various ways in which Islam and Muslim identities are articulated through information and communication technologies and the Internet. Its research materials include websites, digital videoclips, and videogames. ISSN 1803-523X
ELUDAMOS is an international, multi-disciplined, biannual e-journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles that theoretically and/or empirically deal with digital games in their manifold appearances and their sociocultural-historical contexts. ELUDAMOS positions itself as a publication that fundamentally transgresses disciplinary boundaries. The aim is to join questions about and approaches to computer games from decidedly heterogeneous scientific contexts (for example cultural studies, media studies, (art) history, sociology, (social) psychology, and semiotics) and, thus, to advance the interdisciplinary discourse on digital games. This approach does not exclude questions about the distinct features of digital games a an aesthetic and cultural form of articulation, on the contrary, the issue is to distinguish their media specific characteristics as well as their similarity to other forms of aesthetic and cultural practice. That way, the editors would like to contribute to the lasting distinction of international game studies as an academic discipline. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 1866-6124
Entertainment Computing publishes original, peer-reviewed research articles and serves as a forum for stimulating and disseminating innovative research ideas, emerging technologies, empirical investigations, state-of-the-art methods and tools in all aspects of digital entertainment, new media, entertainment computing, gaming, robotics, toys and applications among researchers, engineers, social scientists, artists and practitioners. Theoretical, technical, empirical, survey articles and case studies are all appropriate to the journal. Specific areas of interest include: Computer, video, console and internet games; Cultural computing and cultural issues in entertainment; Digital new media for entertainment; Entertainment robots and robot like applications; Entertainment technology, applications, application program interfaces, and entertainment system architectures; Human factors of entertainment technology; Impact of entertainment technology on users and society; Integration of interaction and multimedia capabilities in entertainment systems; Interactive television and broadcasting; Interactive art and entertainment; Methodologies, paradigms, tools, and software/hardware architectures for supporting entertainment applications; Mixed, augmented and virtual reality systems for entertainment; New genres of entertainment technology; Serious Games used in education, training, and research; Simulation/gaming methodologies used in education, training, and research; An social media for entertainment. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1875-9521
Game Developer, the print publication written specifically for creators of entertainment software, provides technical and industry information to over 35,000 professional game developers. Each month, industry leaders and game development experts share technical solutions, review new products, and discuss strategies for creating innovative, successful games. Professional game developers count on Game Developer magazine for the most relevant and respected content in the game industry. Game Developer features articles written by professional game developers on cutting-edge game development techniques in the areas of graphics and AI programming, audio design and engineering, art and animation, QA/testing, game design, and project management. Publishes 11 times per year. ISSN 1073-922X
Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research
Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research mission is to explore the rich cultural genre of games; to give scholars a peer-reviewed forum for their ideas and theories; to provide an academic channel for the ongoing discussions on games and gaming. Game Studies is a non-profit, open-access, crossdisciplinary journal dedicated to games research. The journals primary focus is aesthetic, cultural and communicative aspects of computer games, but any previously unpublished article focused on games and gaming is welcome. Publishes 1-2 issues per year. ISSN 1604-7982
Games and Culture is an international journal that promotes innovative theoretical and empirical research about games and culture within interactive media. The journal serves as a premiere outlet for ground-breaking work in the field of game studies and its scope includes the socio-cultural, political, and economic dimensions of gaming from a wide variety of perspectives. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1555-4120 eISSN 1555-4139
Games for Health Journal: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications is dedicated to the development, use, and applications of game technology for improving physical and mental health and well-being. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 2161-783X eISSN 2161-7856
The Games+Learning+Society conference is a premier event for those from both academia and industry interested in videogames and learning. The Games+Learning+Society conference is one of the few destinations where the people who create high-quality digital learning media can gather for a serious think about what is happening in the field and how the field can serve the public interest. The conference offers an opportunity for in-depth conversation and social networking across diverse disciplines including game studies, education research, learning sciences, industry, government, educational practice, media design, and business. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 2164-6651 eISSN 2164-666X
G|A|M|E is a journal dedicated to a comparative, critical and theoretical analysis of video games. With G|A|M|E intends to compile a varied selection of scholarly and critical work on video games and their relationship with the arts and media, creating the space for a broad range of perspectives from all over the world. G|A|M|E aims for intellectual rigor conveyed with clarity, so as to best promote a valuable space of exchange and connection between diverse disciplinary approaches; encouraging cooperation between academic departments, associations, scholars and researchers. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 2280-7705
Homo Ludens is the official journal of the Games Research Association of Poland (Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Gier). The journal carries original articles on various aspects of ludology as broadly perceived games research in the humanities, social and other sciences. It presents a representative survey of empirical and theoretical research conducted in this area in Poland and abroad as well as reflections on issues in the area of game studies. It also publishes selected book reviews in this area. The language of the journal is basically Polish but articles in English and German are also published. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 2080-4555
Founded in 1990, Interactive Learning Environments publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of the design and use of interactive learning environments in the broadest sense, encompassing environments that support individual learners through to environments that support collaboration amongst groups of learners or co-workers. Relevant domains of application include education and training at all levels, life-long learning and knowledge sharing. Relevant topics for articles include: adaptive systems, learning theory, pedagogy and learning design, the electronically-enhanced classroom, computer mediated communications of all kinds, computer aided assessment, the design and use of virtual learning environments and learning management systems, facilitating organisational change, applying standards for courseware reuse, tracking, record keeping and system interoperability, the use of learning content management systems, including workflow design and publication to a range of media, and issues associated with scaling up delivery to large cohorts of students and trainees within the corporate, educational and other public sectors. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 1049-4820 eISSN 1744-5191
International Journal of Computer Games Technology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research and review articles on both the research and development aspects of games technology covering the whole range of entertainment computing and interactive digital media. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN1687-7047 eISSN 1687-7055
The International Journal of Game-Based Learning is devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of game-based learning. To achieve this aim, the journal publishes theoretical manuscripts, empirical studies, and literature reviews. The journal publishes this multidisciplinary research from fields that explore the cognitive and psychological aspects that underpin successful educational video games. The target audience of the journal is composed of professionals and researchers working in the fields of educational games development, e-learning, technology-enhanced education, multimedia, educational psychology, and information technology. The journal promotes an in-depth understanding of the multiple factors and challenges inherent to the design and integration of Game-Based Learning environments. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 2155-6849 eISSN 2155-6857
International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations
The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS) is a peer-reviewed, international journal devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of electronic games and computer-mediated simulations. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature; it publishes research from fields and disciplines that share the goal of improving the foundational knowledge base of games and simulations. The journal publishes critical theoretical manuscripts as well as qualitative and quantitative research studies, meta-analyses, and methodologically-sound case studies. The journal also includes book reviews to keep readers on the forefront of this continuously evolving field. Occasional special issues from the journal provide deeper investigation into areas of interest within either gaming or simulations. An Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1942-3888 eISSN 1942-3896
The International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation published papers on AI and simulation tools and the way in which they can be applied in the multimedia, computer games and entertainment industry. From 2002-2005 the journal facilitated interaction between games developers and academia and help to promote the next generation of intelligent games and entertainment. Believed to no longer publish. ISSN 1477-2043
The International Journal of Play is an inter-disciplinary publication focusing on all facets of play. It aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The journal will be of interest to anthropologists, educationalists, folklorists, historians, linguists, philosophers, play workers, psychologists, sociologists, therapists and zoologists. Publishes 3 issues per year ISSN 2159-4937 eISSN 2159-4953
The International Journal of Play Therapy is dedicated to publishing and disseminating reports of original research, theoretical articles, and substantive reviews of topics germane to play therapy on behalf of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, school counselors, marriage and family therapists, and other mental health professionals.The journal is a publication of the Association for Play Therapy. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1555-6824 eISSN 1939-0629
The aim of the International Journal of Role-Playing is to act as a hybrid knowledge network, and bring together the varied interests in role-playing and the associated knowledge networks, e.g. academic research, the games and creative industries, the arts and the strong role-playing communities. The International Journal of Role-Playing is a response to a growing need for a place where the various fields of role-playing research and development, covering academia, the games industry, the arts and the strong non-academic role-playing communities that exist worldwide, can exchange knowledge and research, form networks and communicate. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 2210-4909
The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation is an interdisciplinary journal for the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation. Since its first issue in 1998, it has been a world-wide leading reference for readers interested in social simulation and the application of computer simulation in the social sciences. Original research papers and critical reviews on all aspects of social simulation and agent societies that fall within the journal's objective to further the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation are welcome. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 1460-7425
The Journal of Game Design and Development and Education is a peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of teaching the art, craft and science of game design and development to students in and out of a higher education setting. The journal plans to cover a range of work in the emerging field of game studies and game design. Currently one issue in print. ISSN 2160-9691 eISSN 2160-9705
The Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds is a peer-refereed, international journal that focuses on theoretical and applied, empirical, critical, rhetorical, creative, economic, pedagogical and professional approaches to the study of electronic games across platforms and genres, as well as ludic and serious online environments such as massively multiplayer online role-playing games and Second Life™. The Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds aims at researchers and professionals working in and researching creative new media and entertainment software around the globe, and seeks to document, harmonize, juxtapose and critically evaluate cutting-edge market trends and technological developments, as well as sociocultural, political, economic and psychological concerns. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 1757-191X eISSN 1757-1928
The Journal of Leisure Research is devoted to original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the field of leisure studies. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0022-2216
The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance is an official publication of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Continuously published since 1896, the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance serves as an authoritative, professional source for educators in physical education, sport, recreation, and dance in all settings. The journal features articles about teaching methods, curriculum, teacher preparation, professional issues, coaching, youth sports, fitness, recreation, and dance. Publishes 9 issues per year. ISSN 0730-3084 eISSN 2168-3816
The Journal of Simulation/Gaming for Learning and Development is an interdisciplinary, academic journal focusing on all aspects of simulations, games, role-play, serious games, experiential methods, and debriefing. The journal is particularly concerned with applications to learning, teaching, research. development and assessment. The main purpose of SGLD is to contribute to and disseminate practice, knowledge, research and theory in the design, use, debriefing assessment of simulations, games and related experiential methods. All levels are covered, from primary schools, through secondary schools and universities, to professional uses in industry. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 2158-5539
The Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting is an open access e-journal covering advanced media technology for the integration of human computer interaction and modern information systems. The main focus is on the creation of synergies between such basic technologies as computer graphics and state-of-the-art broadcasting techniques. The main goals are to publish research results in the field of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, to provoke discussions, and to promote the exchange of ideas and information. Developments in the area have a direct effect on society, therefore social aspects will also be considered. Research topics which receive treatment in the journal are: media technology; human factors; human machine interfaces; computer graphics; image technology; tracking; sensors; interactive broadcasting; virtual set environments; augmented reality; haptic interfaces; new interfaces. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 1860-2037
The Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education is a trans-disciplinary academic journal that offers a publication venue for articles and authors examining issues, ideas, and research inspired by the intersection of emerging virtual worlds technologies and education. The Journal maintains the highest standards of peer review and seeks to attract and engage new and emerging authors and scholars across the globe. Publishes 2 issues per year.
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is an online, open access academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is a transdisciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research. The field of virtual worlds research is a continually evolving area of study that spans across many disciplines and the editorial team looks forward to engaging a wide range of creative and scholarly work. What are virtual worlds and what is virtual worlds research, within the context of this journal? These are evolving questions that the journal hopes the formation of a community of scholarship will explore and expand. However, to provide a base to build upon, they consider virtual worlds to be computer-based simulated environment where users interact with other users through graphic or textual representations of themselves utilizing textual chat, voice, video or other forms of communication. The term virtual worlds includes, is similar to, or is synonymous (with extensive qualifications) to the terms of virtual reality, virtual space, datascape, metaverse, virtual environment, massively multiplayer online games (MMOs or MMOGs), massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs), multi-user dungeon, domain or dimension (MUDs), MUD object oriented (MOOs), multi-user shared hack, habitat, holodeck, or hallucination (MUSHs), massively-multiuser online graphical environments, collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) or multi-user virtual environments (MUVES), and immersive virtual environments (IVEs). Publishes 4-6 issues per year. ISSN 1941-8477
Leisure Sciences presents scientific inquiries into the study of leisure, recreation, parks, travel, and tourism from a social science perspective. Articles cover the social and psychological aspects of leisure, planning for leisure environments, leisure gerontology, travel and tourism behavior, leisure economics, and urban leisure delivery systems. Publishes 5 issues per year. ISSN 0149-0400 eISSN 1521-0588
Leisure Studies publishes articles of a high standard on all aspects of leisure studies and from a variety of disciplinary bases, including sociology, psychology, human geography, planning, economics, etc. Shorter research notes and book reviews are also published. The emphasis of the Journal is on the social sciences, broadly defined, and the subjects covered include the whole range of leisure behaviour in the arts, sports, cultural and informal activities, tourism, urban and rural recreation. Leisure Studies is the journal of the Leisure Studies Association. Publishes 5 issues per year. ISSN 0261-4367 eISSN 1466-4496
Leisure / Loisir strives to publish a diverse collection of scholarly papers in all areas of leisure, recreation, arts, parks, sport, and travel and tourism. Reflecting the multi- and interdisciplinary nature of these areas of study, the journal invites papers that use a wide range of perspectives and research methods. Submissions may include, but are not limited to: empirical research papers (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods), conceptual papers, comprehensive review papers, policy and economic impact analyses, and pedagogical aspects for leisure educators. Commentary, rejoinders, and other critical papers also are welcome. Leisure / Loisir is the official publication of the Canadian Association for Leisure Studies/Association canadienne d’études en loisir ( CALS ). Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1492-7713 eISSN 2151-2221
Loading… is the journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association. The journal publishes Canadian scholarship, research and art in the interdisciplinary field of digital games studies. Canadian perspectives and voices, especially cross- and inter-disciplinary studies are encouraged as is more technically focused work. Every effort is made to support special issues of the journal that take up particular themes and/or problems in the field. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 1923-2691
Ludoecum is a Spanish language online database of educational toys and games. It is an online tool that specializes in educational toys and educational games, with over 700 brands and products of renowned manufacturers. Currently has the support of over 35 manufacturers, and aims to reach 1,000 references.
The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia provides a focus for research and a source of information on practical and theoretical developments in hypermedia, hypertext, interactive multimedia and related technologies. These highly innovative systems allow the integration of images, sound, text and data to form powerful tools for information retrieval; by linking multimedia with mass storage, they can provide users with a more diverse and richly textured information environment. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia covers the following key themes: the conceptual basis of hypertext systems; cognitive aspects; design strategies; intelligent and adaptive hypermedia; automatic authoring; personalisation, knowledge organization systems and services; the semantic web; Web 2.0; link metrics; link dynamics; time and synchronisation; multimedia authoring tools; navigation and browsing; search systems; content-based retrieval; studies of information seeking behaviour; testing and evaluation; user interfaces; multi-modal interaction; experience design; web accessibility; physical hypermedia; virtual environments; literary and creative hypermedia; applications in e-learning, information management, digital libraries, social networking, publishing, commerce, the professions and public administration. Publishes 4 issues a year. ISSN 1361-4568 eISSN 1740-7842
PALAESTRA is designed to be a single responsible source of valuable information for those interested in sport, physical education, and recreation involving individuals with disabilities. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 8756-5811
Play and Folklore is a forum for discussion about childhood and children's culture. It publishes articles, letters, memoirs and research studies that examine what children do when largely free of adult direction or control—their colloquial speech, songs, games, rhymes, riddles, jokes, insults and secret languages, their friendships and enmities, their beliefs and hopes. Play and Folklore was previously published as the Australian Children's Folklore Newsletter (1981-1996). Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 1329-2463 eISSN 1447-5969
Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance
Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance is a refereed journal aimed at those who are interested in applying performance practices to cultural engagement, educational innovation and social change. It provides an international forum for research into drama and theatre conducted in community, educational, developmental and therapeutic contexts. The journal offers a dissemination of completed research and research in progress, and through its Points and Practices section it encourages debate between researchers both on its published articles and on other matters. Contributions are drawn from a range of people involved in drama and theatre from around the world. It aims to bring the fruits of the best researchers to an international readership and to further debates in the rich and diverse field of educational drama and applied theatre. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1356-9783 eISSN 1470-112X
For more than four decades, Simulation & Gaming: An International Journal of Theory, Practice and Research has served as a leading international forum for the exploration and development of simulation/gaming methodologies used in education, training, consultation, and research. Published bi-monthly, S&G appraises academic and applied issues in the expanding fields of simulation; computer and internet mediated simulation, virtual reality, educational games, video games, industrial simulators, active and experiential learning, case studies, and related methodologies. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 1046-8781 eISSN 1552-826X
Sport, Education and Society is an international journal which provides a focal point for the publication of social science research on pedagogy, policy and the body in society and the wide range of associated social, cultural, political and ethical issues in physical activity, sport and health. The journal will concentrate both on the forms, contents and contexts of physical education, sport and health education found in schools, colleges and other sites of formal education, and on the pedagogies of play, callisthenics, gymnastics, sport and leisure found in familial contexts, various sports clubs, the leisure industry, private fitness and health studios, dance schools and rehabilitation centres. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 1357-3322 eISSN 1470-1243
Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators is a peer-reviewed professional journal that publishes practical, how-to articles for sport and physical education professionals at all levels. The journal provides information to help educators and coaches become more effective in their work. The publication’s goals include the following: Publishing state-of-the-art information related to sport and physical activity; Sharing “best practices” of field professionals in sport and physical education; and Identifying, discussing, and analyzing current issues and trends of importance to sport-related professions. The official journal of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 0892-4562 eISSN 2168-3778
The Games Journal was a monthly magazine about boardgames which ran from July, 2000 until September, 2005. A declining number of submissions forced the journal to shut its doors (metaphorically speaking) and abandon the regular, monthly issues. However, the site is maintained and up and running since the editors feel that there is great value in the articles, reviews, puzzles, letters and original rules that were published during the journals run.
The Well Played Journal is a forum for in-depth close readings of video games that parse out the various meanings to be found in the experience of playing a game. It is a reviewed journal open to submissions that will be released on a regular basis with high-quality essays. Contributors are encouraged to analyze sequences in a game in detail in order to illustrate and interpret how the various components of a game can come together to create a fulfilling playing experience unique to this medium. Through contributors, the journal will provide a variety of perspectives on the value of games. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 2164-344X eISSN 2164-3458
The purpose of the World Leisure Journal is to stimulate and communicate research, theory, and critical thought in all areas that address leisure, including play, recreation, the arts and culture, sport, festivals, events and celebrations, health and fitness, and travel and tourism. Empirical and theoretical manuscripts, as well as position papers, review articles, and critical essays are published in the World Leisure Journal . Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0441-9057 eISSN1607-8055
Last updated: May 29, 2013 at 14:14 pm
A TesolGame Quote
As long as there are games to play it is not over.
Upcoming Conferences
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Good list! It would also be nice to see the Games for Health Journal here.
Thanks for the heads up, the Games for Health Journal has been added.