Keeping abreast of the latest in language and linguistic research can be a daunting and difficult task.
With hopes of making the research task a little easier, we’ve collected links to some of the best academic journals in the world.
Here, you’ll find links to journals that are focused on language, linguistics and ESL/EFL (broadly defined) though you may also want to take a look at our links to journals that focus more on education, or those that are focused more on games and play.
If you feel we’re missing a journal or would like to add your own, please contact us and we’ll be happy to add it to the list.
Last updated: May 28, 2013 at 0:23 am
3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature® The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies is a Scopus indexed peer reviewed international journal committed to exploring and highlighting issues in the broad areas of English language, linguistics and literature particularly in the Southeast Asian context. publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0128-5157
Acta Linguistica is a scholarly, peer-reviewed international journal that solicits papers on all aspects of theoretical and applied linguistics. Articles are written in English, Russian, and German. Publishes up 4 issues per year. ISSN 1313-2296 eISSN 1313-2490
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics reviews research in key areas in the broad field of applied linguistics. Each issue is thematic, covering the topic by means of critical summaries, overviews and bibliographic citations. Every fourth or fifth issue surveys applied linguistics broadly, offering timely essays on language learning and pedagogy, discourse analysis, teaching innovations, second language acquisition, computer-assisted instruction, language use in professional contexts, sociolinguistics, language policy, and language assessment, to name just a few of the areas reviewed. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 0267-1905 eISSN 1471-6356
The mission of Applied Language Learning is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information on instructional methods and techniques, curriculum and materials development, assessment of needs within the profession, testing and evaluation, and implications and applications of research from related fields such as linguistics, education, communications, psychology, and the social sciences. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 1041-679X eISSN 1041-6791
Applied Linguistics publishes research into language with relevance to real-world problems. The journal is keen to help make connections between fields, theories, research methods, and scholarly discourses, and welcomes contributions which critically reflect on current practices in applied linguistic research. It promotes scholarly and scientific discussion of issues that unite or divide scholars in applied linguistics. It is less interested in the ad hoc solution of particular problems and more interested in the handling of problems in a principled way by reference to theoretical studies. Applied linguistics is viewed not only as the relation between theory and practice, but also as the study of language and language-related problems in specific situations in which people use and learn languages. Within this framework the journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current enquiry as: bilingualism and multilingualism; computer-mediated communication; conversation analysis; corpus linguistics; critical discourse analysis; deaf linguistics; discourse analysis and pragmatics; first and additional language learning, teaching, and use; forensic linguistics; language assessment; language planning and policies; language for special purposes; lexicography; literacies; multimodal communication; rhetoric and stylistics; and translation. The journal welcomes both reports of original research and conceptual articles. Publishes 5 issues per year. ISSN 0142-6001 eISSN 1477-450X
Applied Psycholinguistics publishes original research papers on the psychological processes involved in language. It examines language development , language use and language disorders in adults and children with a particular emphasis on cross-language studies. The journal gathers together the best work from a variety of disciplines including linguistics, psychology, reading, education, language learning, speech and hearing, and neurology. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0142-7164 eISSN 1469-1817
Applied Research on English Language is published by the English department at the University of Isfahan, Iran. The journal disseminates peer reviewed original research results in TEFL and Applied Linguistics, in both print and open-access formats. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 2252-0198 eISSN 2322-5343
The Arab World English Journal is a refereed, peer-reviewed, and open-access e-journal for scholars, researchers, teachers, and officials of the English language in the Arab countries and in the entire world. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 2229-9327
The Asian EFL Journal presents information, theories, research, methods and materials related to language acquisition and language learning. The Asian EFL Journal examines issues within the Asian EFL linguistic scene, and considers how traditional educational approaches are integrated with or contrasted against what is arguably a very specialized and relatively new field of study. This journal is now accessible to the global academic and teaching community, where articles relating to Asian EFL may be published and viewed by all EFL professionals. The primary function of the Asian EFL Journal is to provide a freely accessible alternative journal on a quarterly basis through the user friendly and highly accessible medium of the Internet that widens the target audience and authorship, particularly in the Asian-Pacific region. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1738-1460
The Asian English for Specific Purposes Journal studies the structure and development of English across the globe, and in particular, its relationship to the special and specific purposes of English. The Asian ESP Journal is peer reviewed with multiple layers of editorial reviews. Topics such as the following may be treated from the perspective of English for Specific Purposes: second language acquisition in specialized contexts, occupational needs assessment, ESP curriculum development and evaluation for growing areas of ESP such as: English for Academic Purposes; English for Specific Purposes; English for Strategic Purposes; English for Financial Purposes; Discourse analysis; Business English; Nursing English; Flight Attendant English; Hotel Industry English; Global EIL English; Legal English; Research-in-Progress; and Tourism English. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1833-2994 eISSN 833-3001
The Asian Journal of English Language Teaching is an international, blind-refereed journal that reviews previously unpublished manuscripts (1) linking ESL/EFL theory, research, and pedagogy and (2) relating specifically to the teaching of English to Asians at the university level. Reviews of academic and professional issues, books, and multimedia resources as well as reports of ongoing projects are also welcome. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 1026-2652
The Australian Journal of Linguistics , the official journal of the Australian Linguistic Society, is concerned with all branches of linguistics, with preference given to articles of theoretical interest. The journal maintains an international focus, while at the same time encouraging articles on Australian languages, Australian English, and language in Australian society. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0726-8602 eISSN 1469-2996
The Bilingual Research Journal is the National Association for Bilingual Education’s premier scholarly, peer-reviewed research publication. Bilingual Research Journal delivers in-depth coverage of education theory and practice, dealing with bilingual education, bilingualism, and language policies in education. Topics include: Assessment; Biliteracy; Indigenous languages; Language planning; Language politics; Multilingualism; Pedagogical approaches; Policy analysis; Instructional research; Language planning & Second language acquisition. The journal has a strong interest in matters related to the education of language minority children and youth in the United States, grades PreK-12, but articles focusing on other countries are often included if they have implications for bilingual education in the U.S. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 1523-5882 eISSN 1523-5890
Bilingualism is an international peer-reviewed journal focusing on bilingualism from a cognitive science perspective. The aims of the journal are to promote research on the bilingual person and to encourage debate in the field. Areas covered include: bilingual language competence, perception and production, bilingual language acquisition in children and adults, neurolinguistics of bilingualism in normal and brain-damaged subjects, and non-linguistic cognitive processes in bilinguals. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1366-7289 eISSN 1469-1841
Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La Revue Canadienne de Linguistique
The Canadian Journal of Linguistics publishes articles of original research in linguistics in both English and French. The articles deal with linguistic theory, linguistic description of English, French and a variety of other natural languages, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, first and second language acquisition, and other areas of interest to linguists. Publishes 3 issues a year. ISSN 0008-4131 eSSN 1710-1115
The Canadian Modern Language Review publishes peer-reviewed articles on second language learning and teaching. It is a bilingual (French and English) journal serving researchers and language teaching professionals interested in the learning and teaching of English and French as second languages, as well as the range of modern, indigenous, heritage, and community languages taught and learned across Canada. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0008-4506 eISSN 1710-1131
Changing English is an established journal for English teachers in primary, secondary and tertiary education. The journal aims to encourage international dialogue between teachers and researchers and to support teachers and schools on issues surrounding literacy and language. In particular, Changing English considers the future of English as a subject in the context of its history and the scope for development and change. Recent years have seen new arguments and new contents offered for English in many countries, at a time when governments have given issues in English teaching a new prominence and where students’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds are diverse. Changing English provides a forum for necessary debate and for evaluation of new perspectives.Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1358-684X eISSN 1469-3585
Child Language Teaching and Therapy is an international peer reviewed journal which aims to be the leading inter-disciplinary journal in the field of children’s spoken and written language needs. The journal publishes original research and review articles of high practical relevance and which emphasise inter-disciplinary collaboration. The readership of the journal consists of academics and practitioners across the disciplines of education, speech and language therapy, psychology and linguistics. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0265-6590 eISSN 1477-0865
Classroom Discourse is an international, peer reviewed journal that provides a forum in which research from language and education disciplines can be combined.The journal focuses on research that considers discourse and interaction in settings where activity is deliberately organised to promote learning. While most papers focus on the discourse of classrooms, others report research in more informal, naturalistic settings in which, while learning is certainly still taking place, it is not occurring in the typical and ‘traditional’ space of a classroom. Examples might include online tutorials, peer-peer interactions of work-in-progress, and dialogues between ‘trainer and trainee’ in a workplace context. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 1946-3014 eISSN 1946-3022
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is an intercontinental and interdisciplinary journal which leads the field in its dedication to all matters associated with the use of computers in language learning (L1 and L2), teaching and testing. It provides a forum to discuss the discoveries in the field and to exchange experience and information about existing techniques. The scope of the journal is intentionally wide-ranging and embraces a multitude of disciplines. Publishes 5 issues per year. ISSN 0958-8221 eISSN 1744-3210
The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language began as the brainchild of a group of scholars who saw the need for a freely-distributed electronic academic journal. It has grown to become an internationally-recognized source of ESL and EFL information for people in scores of countries. The journal is fully refereed. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1072-4303
ELT Journal is a quarterly publication for all those involved in the field of teaching English as a second or foreign language. The journal links the everyday concerns of practitioners with insights gained from related academic disciplines such as applied linguistics, education, psychology, and sociology. ELT Journal provides a medium for informed discussion of the principles and practice which determine the ways in which the English language is taught and learnt around the world. It is also a forum for the exchange of information among members of the profession worldwide. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0951-0893 eISSN 1477-4526
English For Specific Purposes is an international peer-reviewed journal that welcomes submissions from across the world. The journal publishes articles and research/discussion notes on topics relevant to the teaching and learning of discourse for specific communities: academic, occupational, or otherwise specialized. Topics such as the following may be treated from the perspective of English for specific purposes: second language acquisition in specialized contexts, needs assessment, curriculum development and evaluation, materials preparation, discourse analysis, descriptions of specialized varieties of English, teaching and testing techniques, the effectiveness of various approaches to language learning and language teaching, and the training or retraining of teachers for the teaching of ESP. The journal also carries reviews of scholarly books on topics of interest to the profession. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0889-4906
English in Education, the academic journal of the National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE) publishes papers and articles which report on research related to all aspects of English teaching both from within the United Kingdom and from other nations, where English language and literature are part of the school and Higher Education curriculum, and are taught to mother-tongue English speakers. English in Education provides an international forum for the work of researchers, practitioners, advisers and consultants who are engaged in questioning both practice and policy related to the curriculum and in particular it promotes dynamic and progressive approaches to teaching. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0425-0494 eISSN 1754-8845
English Language and Linguistics is an international journal which focuses on the description of the English language within the framework of contemporary linguistics. The journal is concerned equally with the synchronic and the diachronic aspects of English language studies and publishes articles of the highest quality which make a substantial contribution to our understanding of the structure and development of the English language and which are informed by a knowledge and appreciation of linguistic theory. English Language and Linguistics carries articles and short discussion papers or squibs on all core aspects of English, from its beginnings to the present day, including syntax, morphology, phonology, semantics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics and lexis. There is also a major review section including, from time to time, articles that give an overview of current research in particular specialist areas. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 1360-6743 eISSN 1469-4379
English Today provides accessible cutting-edge reports on all aspects of the language, including style, usage, dictionaries, literary language, Plain English, the Internet and language teaching, in terms of British, American and the world's many other 'Englishes'. Its global readership includes linguists, journalists, broadcasters, writers, publishers, teachers, advanced students of the language and others with a professional or personal interest in communication. Its debates are vigorous and it is noted for its reader involvement. Now in its third decade, English Today remains unique in its scope and style. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0266-0784 eISSN 1474-0567
GIST Journal is an annual publication which disseminates the results of national and international studies in language education, especially in bilingual education and language learning innovations. GIST more specifically, addresses topics related to: learning and bilingualism, national and international policy in both bilingual and linguistics education, the relationship between language, culture, and society; the role of first and second languages, teaching methodologies, learning strategies, educational planning; and other topics related to language education. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 2248-8391
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching is an international refereed journal devoted to research into all aspects of innovation in language learning and teaching. It publishes research articles, review articles and book/materials reviews. It draws on a range of disciplines that share a focus on exploring new approaches to language learning and teaching from a learner-centred perspective. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 1750-1229 eISSN 1750-1237
The International Journal of Applied Linguistics publishes articles that explore the relationship between expertise in linguistics, broadly defined, and the everyday experience of language. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles which show explicitly how local issues of language use or learning exemplify more global concerns. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0802-6106 eISSN 1473-4192
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
The aim of the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism is to be thoroughly international in nature. It disseminates high-quality research, theoretical advances, international developments to foster international understanding, and to spread ideas about initiatives in bilingualism and bilingual education. The Journal seeks: To promote theoretical and applied research into bilingual education and bilingualism; To provide a truly international exchange, and to encourage international debates and discussions on key issues in areas of controversy in bilingual education and bilingualism.; To disseminate internationally effective practice (e.g. in the development of bilingual children, bilingual education, bilingualism in the economy); andTo provide interdisciplinary perspectives for an international audience. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 1367-0050 eISSN 1747-7522
The International Journal of Bilingualism is an international forum for the dissemination of original research on the linguistic, psychological, neurological, and social issues which emerge from language contact. While stressing interdisciplinary links, the focus of the Journal is on the language behavior of the bi- and multilingual individual. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1367-006 eISSN 1756-6878
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World
The International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World performs as a platform for researchers around the world to share their insights with other scholars in the form of original papers. The journal dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers and researchers in the field of language teaching/learning and applied linguistics. The scope of the journal includes, but not limited to, the following fields: Theory and practice in English language teaching & learning; Teaching English as a second or foreign language; Applied linguistics & discourse studies; Syllabus design; Language learning problems; Computer assisted language learning; English for specific purpose; and language teaching & testing. Publishes 12 issues per year. ISSN 2289-3245 eISSN 2289-2737
The International Journal of Lexicography is concerned with all aspects of lexicography, including issues of design, compilation and use, and with dictionaries of all languages, though the chief focus is on dictionaries of the major European languages - monolingual and bilingual, synchronic and diachronic, pedagogical and encyclopedic. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0950-3846 eISSN 1477-4577
The aim of the International Journal of Multilingualism is to foster, present and spread research focused on psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and educational aspects of multilingual acquisition and multilingualism. The journal is interdisciplinary and seeks to go beyond bilingualism and second language acquisition by developing the understanding of the specific characteristics of acquiring, processing and using more than two languages. The International Journal of Multilingualism provides a forum wherein academics, researchers and practitioners may read and publish high-quality, original and state-of-the-art papers describing theoretical and empirical aspects that can contribute to advance our understanding of multilingualism.Topics of interest to the journal include, but are not limited to the following: early trilingualism, multilingual competence, foreign language learning within bilingual education, multilingual literacy, multilingual identity, metalinguistic awareness in multilinguals, multilingual representations in the mind or language use in multilingual communities. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1479-0718 eISSN 1747-7530
The International Multilingual Research Journal (IMRJ) invites scholarly contributions with strong interdisciplinary perspectives to understand and promote bi/multilingualism, bi/multi-literacy, and linguistic democracy. The journal’s focus is on these topics as related to languages other than English as well as dialectal variations of English. It has three thematic emphases: the intersection of language and culture, the dialectics of the local and global, and comparative models within and across contexts. IMRJ is committed to promoting equity, access, and social justice in education, and to offering accessible research and policy analyses to better inform scholars, educators, students, and policy makers. IMRJ is particularly interested in scholarship grounded in interdisciplinary frameworks that offer insights from linguistics, applied linguistics, education, globalization and immigration studies, cultural psychology, linguistic and psychological anthropology, sociolinguistics, literacy studies, post-colonial studies, critical race theory, and critical theory and pedagogy. It seeks theoretical and empirical scholarship with implications for research, policy, and practice. Submissions of research articles based on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods are encouraged. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 1931-3152 eISSN 1931-3160
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching is devoted to problems of general and applied linguistics in their various forms.The journal's long-term interest lies in areas of research which concern first and second language acquisition (including sign language and gestural systems). Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1613-4141
The Internet TESL Journal published articles from 1995 through 2010. The website is now an online resource book for teachers who can refer to our published articles on teaching techniques and other things of interest to EFL and ESL teachers including: Articles & research papers; Articles on teaching techniques; And lessons & lesson Plans.
A key publication in the field, Journal of Child Language publishes articles on all aspects of the scientific study of language behaviour in children, the principles which underlie it, and the theories which may account for it. The international range of authors and breadth of coverage allow the journal to forge links between many different areas of research including psychology, linguistics, cognitive science and anthropology. This interdisciplinary approach spans a wide range of interests: phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, or any other recognised facet of language study. Publishes 5 issues per year. ISSN 0305-0009 eISSN 1469-7602
The Journal of English as an International Language is a refereed publication which aims at providing free on-line access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of English as an International Language. This is a wide-ranging field examining how language teaching and learning is structured, how meanings and ideas are formed and encoded, how they are communicated and represented, and how they are decoded and interpreted. It is a developing social sciences discipline which is increasingly reaching across into other disciplinary areas. The Journal of English as an International Language intends to represent this dynamism and seeks to provide a platform for publication of studies from academics, teachers and students. Publishes 1-2 issues per year. ISSN 2200-2006 eISSN 2200-2014
The Journal of English for Academic Purposes provides a forum for the dissemination of information and views which enables practitioners of and researchers in EAP to keep current with developments in their field and to contribute to its continued updating. JEAP publishes articles, book reviews, conference reports, and academic exchanges in the linguistic, sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic description of English as it occurs in the contexts of academic study and scholarly exchange itself. A wide range of linguistic, applied linguistic and educational topics may be treated from the perspective of English for academic purposes; these include: classroom language, teaching methodology, teacher education, assessment of language, needs analysis; materials development and evaluation, discourse analysis, acquisition studies in EAP contexts, research writing and speaking at all academic levels, the sociopolitics of English in academic uses and language planning. Also of interest are review essays and reviews of research on topics important to EAP researchers. No worthy topic relevant to EAP is beyond the scope of the journal. The journal also carries reviews of scholarly books on topics of general interest to the profession. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1475-1585
The Journal of English Linguistics publishes original linguistic research based on data drawn from the English language, encompassing a broad theoretical and methodological scope. Highlighting theoretically and technologically innovative scholarship, the Journal provides in-depth research and analysis in a variety of areas, including history of English, English grammar, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, and dialectology. The Journal also includes articles written on topics such as language contact, pidgins/creoles, and stylistics provided that one primary focus is the English language. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0075-4242 eISSN 1552-5457
Journal of Language Teaching and Research (JLTR) is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal focusing on theories, methods, and materials in language teaching, study and research. It provides a high profile, leading edge forum for academics, professionals, consultants, educators, practitioners and students in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on language teaching and research. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 1798-4769
The Journal of Language, Identity, and Education is an international forum for interdisciplinary research that is grounded in theory and of interest to scholars and policymakers. This journal publishes interdisciplinary research from around the world, reflecting diverse theoretical and methodological frameworks and topical areas, including but not limited to:Educational policies and approaches that explicitly address various dimensions of diversity and linguistic rights in educational contexts; the formation and consequences of identities in educational and other social contexts; Critical studies of literacy policies, national literacy and biliteracy demographics, the socio-economic and political significance of literacy, and societal expectations regarding literacy; Research on the relationship between home/local linguistic and cultural socialization and schooling; Critical and comparative analyses of official and legal frameworks for educational policies and practices in diverse settings; Research on educational practices that promote educational equity for diverse student populations; And the role of ideologies in educational language and cultural policies. Publishes 5 issues per year. ISSN 1534-8458 eISSN 1532-7701
Journal of Linguistics has as its goal to publish articles that make a clear contribution to current debate in all branches of theoretical linguistics. The journal also provides an excellent survey of recent linguistics publications, with around thirty book reviews in each volume and regular review articles on major works marking important theoretical advances. The Journal of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0022-2267 eISSN 1469-7742
Articles in the Journal of Memory and Language contribute to the formulation of scientific issues and theories in the areas of memory, language comprehension and production, and cognitive processes. Special emphasis is given to research articles that provide new theoretical insights based on a carefully laid empirical foundation. In addition, significant theoretical papers without new experimental findings may be published. The Journal of Memory and Language is a valuable tool for cognitive scientists, including psychologists, linguists, and others interested in memory and learning, language, reading, and speech. Research Areas include: Topics that illuminate aspects of memory or language processing; Artificial intelligence; Linguistics; and Neuropsychology. Publishes 8 issues per year. ISSN 0749-596X
The Journal of Phonetics publishes papers of an experimental or theoretical nature that deal with phonetic aspects of language and linguistic communication processes. Papers dealing with technological and/or pathological topics, or papers of an interdisciplinary nature are also suitable, provided that linguistic-phonetic principles underlie the work reported. Regular articles, review articles, and letters to the editor are published. Themed issues are also published, devoted entirely to a specific subject of interest within the field of phonetics. Research Areas Include: Speech production, the application of various measurement techniques, physiological modeling, development of production models, and theories; Speech acoustics, methods of acoustic data analysis, compression, and processing; Speech perception, perception models, auditory and neural representation of speech, and processing of speech vs non-speech signals; Phonetic aspects of psycholinguistics, word recognition models, and psychological representation of speech in terms of various units; Speech synthesis, linguistic analysis aimed at improving synthesis systems; Automatic speech recognition and speaker recognition; Descriptive phonetics pertaining to individual languages; The relation between phonetics and phonology; Vocal fold functioning in normal and pathological speech; Various aspects of pathological speech production, acoustics, and perception; Speech and language acquisition; Phonetic aspects of foreign language acquisition. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 0095-4470
Journal of Pragmatics (An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language Studies)
Linguistic pragmatics has been able to formulate a number of questions over the years that are essential to our understanding of language as people's main instrument of "natural" and "societal" interaction. By providing possible theoretical foundations for the study of linguistic practice, linguistic pragmatics has helped to increase our knowledge of the forms, functions, and foundations, of human interaction. The Journal of Pragmatics identifies with the above general scope and aims of pragmatics. The journal welcomes authoritative, innovative pragmatic scholarship from all practice oriented linguistic standpoints. It provides a forum for pragmatic studies in sociolinguistics, general linguistics, conversation analysis, discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, computational linguistics, applied linguistics and other areas of linguistic research. Publishes 15 issues per year. ISSN 0378-2166
The Journal of Research in Reading provides an international forum for researchers into literacy. It is a refereed journal principally devoted to reports of original, empirical or theoretical studies in reading and related fields, and to informed reviews of relevant literature. The Journal welcomes papers researching issues related to the learning, teaching and use of literacy in a variety of contexts; papers on the history and development of literacy; papers about policy and strategy for literacy as related to children and adults. The Journal encourages papers within any research paradigm and from researchers in any relevant field such as anthropology, cultural studies, education, history of education, language and linguistics, philosophy, psychology and sociology. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0141-0423 eISSN 1467-9817
The Journal of Second Language Writing is devoted to publishing theoretically grounded reports of research and discussions that represent a contribution to current understandings of central issues in second and foreign language writing and writing instruction. Some areas of interest are personal characteristics and attitudes of L2 writers, L2 writers' composing processes, features of L2 writers' texts, readers' responses to L2 writing, assessment/evaluation of L2 writing, contexts (cultural, social, political, institutional) for L2 writing, and any other topic clearly relevant to L2 writing theory, research, or instruction. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1060-3743
The Korea TESOL Journal (KTJ) is a refereed academic journal concerned with teaching English as a foreign or additional language and related issues. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN 1598-0464
This journal is unique in that it provides a forum devoted to the interdisciplinary study of language and communication. The investigation of language and its communicational functions is treated as a concern shared in common by those working in applied linguistics, child development, cultural studies, discourse analysis, intellectual history, legal studies, language evolution, linguistic anthropology, linguistics, philosophy, the politics of language, pragmatics, psychology, rhetoric, semiotics, and sociolinguistics. The journal invites contributions which explore the implications of current research for establishing common theoretical frameworks within which findings from different areas of study may be accommodated and interrelated. By focusing attention on the many ways in which language is integrated with other forms of communicational activity and interactional behaviour, it is intended to encourage approaches to the study of language and communication which are not restricted by existing disciplinary boundaries. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0271-5309
Language and Education provides a forum for the discussion of recent topics and issues in the language disciplines which have an immediate bearing upon thought and practice in education. Articles draw from their subject matter important and well-communicated implications for one or more of the following: curriculum, pedagogy or evaluation in education. The task of the Journal is to encourage language specialists and language in education researchers to organise and present their material in such a way as to highlight its educational implications, thereby influencing educational theorists and practitioners and therefore educational outcomes for individual children. Articles are welcomed concerning all aspects of mother tongue and second language education. The remit of Language and Education , however, does not extend to modern foreign language teaching or English as a foreign language. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 0950-0782 eISSN 1747-7581
Language & Intercultural Communication promotes an interdisciplinary understanding of the interplay between language and intercultural communication. The journal publishes research into intercultural communication, particularly where it explores the importance of linguistic aspects; and research into language, especially the learning of foreign languages, where it explores the importance of intercultural perspectives. The journal is alert to the implications for education, especially higher education, and for language learning and teaching. It is also receptive to research on the frontiers between languages and cultures, and on the implications of linguistic and intercultural issues for the world of work. The journal is affiliated with the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC). Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1470-8477 eISSN 1747-759X
Unique in its range, Language and Linguistics Compass is an online-only journal publishing original, peer-reviewed surveys of current research from across the entire discipline. Language and Linguistics Compass publishes state-of-the-art reviews, supported by a comprehensive bibliography and accessible to an international readership. Language and Linguistics Compass is aimed at senior undergraduates, postgraduates and academics, and will provide a unique reference tool for researching essays, preparing lectures, writing a research proposal, or just keeping up with new developments in a specific area of interest. Publishes 12 issues per year. eISSN 1749-818X
Language and Speech provides an international forum for communication among researchers in the disciplines that contribute to our understanding of the production, perception, processing, learning, use, and disorders of speech and language. The journal accepts reports of original research in all these areas. Interdisciplinary submissions are encouraged. Corpus-based, experimental, and observational research bringing spoken or written language within the domain of linguistic, psychological, or computational models are particularly welcome. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0023-8309 eISSN 1756-6053
Language Assessment Quarterly is dedicated to the advancement of theory, research, and practice in first, second, and foreign language assessment for school, college, and university students; for employment; and for immigration and citizenship. Language Assessment Quarterly publishes original articles addressing theoretical issues, empirical research, and professional standards and ethics related to language assessment, as well as interdisciplinary articles on related topics, and reports of language test development and testing practice. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1543-4303 eISSN 1543-4311
Language Awareness encourages and disseminates work which explores the following: the role of explicit knowledge about language in the process of language learning; the role that such explicit knowledge about language plays in language teaching and how such knowledge can best be mediated by teachers; the role of explicit knowledge about language in language use: e.g. sensitivity to bias in language, manipulative aspects of language, literary use of language. It is also a goal of Language Awareness to encourage the establishment of bridges between the language sciences and other disciplines within or outside educational contexts. Language Awareness is an international forum for the reporting and critical discussion of language awareness research and practice, and for the building and development of relevant theory. The journal is open to contributions from a broad range of research approaches: qualitative and quantitative, established and innovative. It welcomes work dealing with a wide variety of languages and international contexts. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0965-8416 eISSN 1747-7565
Language Learning is a scientific journal dedicated to the understanding of language learning broadly defined. It publishes research articles that systematically apply methods of inquiry from disciplines including psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, educational inquiry, neuroscience, ethnography, sociolinguistics, sociology, and anthropology. It is concerned with fundamental theoretical issues in language learning such as child, second, and foreign language acquisition, language education, bilingualism, literacy, language representation in mind and brain, culture, cognition, pragmatics, and intergroup relations. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0023-8333 eISSN 1467-9922
Language Learning & Technology is a refereed journal that began publication in July 1997. Language Learning & Technology disseminates research to foreign and second language educators worldwide on issues related to technology and language education. The focus of the publication is not technology per se, but rather issues related to language learning and language teaching, and how they are affected or enhanced by the use of technologies. Language Learning & Technology is sponsored and funded by the University of Hawai'i National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) and the Michigan State University Center for Language Education and Research (CLEAR). Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 1094-3501
The Language Learning Journal (LLJ) provides a forum for scholarly contributions on current aspects of foreign language and teaching. LLJ is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is intended for an international readership, including foreign language teachers, language teacher educators, researchers and policy makers. Contributions, in English, tend to assume a certain range of target languages. These are usually, but not exclusively, the languages of mainland Europe and ‘Community Languages’; other languages, including English as a foreign language, may also be appropriate, where the discussion is sufficiently generalizable. The following are key areas of interest: Relationships between policy, theory and practice; Pedagogical practices in classrooms and less formal settings; Foreign language learning/teaching in all phases, from early learners to higher and adult education; Policy and practice in the UK and other countries; Classroom practice in all its aspects; Classroom-based research; Methodological questions in teaching and research; Multilingualism and multiculturalism; New technologies and foreign languages. The Language Learning Journal is the official journal of the Association for Language Learning. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0957-1736 eISSN 1753-2167
Language Sciences is a forum for debate, conducted so as to be of interest to the widest possible audience, on conceptual and theoretical issues in the various branches of general linguistics. The journal is also concerned with bringing to linguists' attention current thinking about language within disciplines other than linguistics itself; relevant contributions from anthropologists, philosophers, psychologists and sociologists, among others, will be warmly received. In addition, the Editor is particularly keen to encourage the submission of essays on topics in the history and philosophy of language studies, and review articles discussing the import of significant recent works on language and linguistics. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 0388-0001
Language Teaching is an essential research resource for language professionals providing a rich and expert overview of research in the field of second-language teaching and learning. The journal offers critical survey articles of recent research on specific topics, second and foreign languages and countries, and invites original research articles reporting on replication studies and meta-analyses. The journal also includes regional surveys of outstanding doctoral dissertations, topic-based research timelines, theme-based research agendas, and recent plenary conference speeches. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0261-4448 eISSN 1475-3049
Language Teaching Research supports and develops investigation and research within the area of second or foreign language teaching. Research of both a quantitative and qualitative (including ethnographic) orientation is of interest to the journal, which as a matter of policy publishes work related to the teaching of any second language, not just English. A wide range of topics in the area of language teaching is covered, including: Programme; Syllabus; Materials design; Methodology; The teaching of specific skills and language for specific purposes. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1362-1688 eISSN 1477-0954
Language Testing is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes original research on language testing and assessment. Since 1984 it has featured high impact papers covering theoretical issues, empirical studies, and reviews. The journal's wide scope encompasses first and second language testing and assessment of English and other languages, and the use of tests and assessments as research and evaluation tools. Many articles also contribute to methodological innovation and the practical improvement of testing and assessment internationally. In addition, the journal publishes submissions that deal with policy issues, including the use of language tests and assessments for high stakes decision making in fields as diverse as education, employment and international mobility. The journal publishes papers that deal with ethical and philosophical issues in language testing, as well as technical matters. Language Testing is committed to encouraging interdisciplinary research, and is keen to receive submissions which draw on theory and methodology from different fields of applied linguistics, as well as educational measurement, and other relevant disciplines. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0265-5322 eISSN 1477-0946
Language, Culture and Curriculum provides a forum for the discussion of the many factors, social, cultural, cognitive and organisational, which are relevant to the formulation and implementation of language curricula. Second languages, minority and heritage languages are a special concern. First-language and foreign language studies are also welcomed when they have implications for multiculturalism. Language Culture and Curriculum welcomes articles on language teaching programmes of all kinds that are designed to promote multiculturalism, with a special concern for weaker and threatened languages. Studies of first language learning are not excluded, nor are studies of English and other major languages, whether as first or as foreign and second languages, provided the topics of cultural content and learner motivation are prominent. Priority is given to articles dealing with language teaching, but historical, sociological and theoretical articles are welcomed if they deal with cultural and attitudinal aspects of language relevant to teaching practice. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0790-8318 eISSN 1747-7573
The journal is devoted to the problems of general linguistics. Its aim is to present work of current interest in all areas of linguistics. Contributions are required to contain such general theoretical implications as to be of interest to any linguist, whatever their own specialisation. No particular linguistic theories or scientific trends are favoured: scientific quality and scholarly standing are the only criteria applied in the selection of papers accepted for publication. Lingua publishes papers of any length, if justified, as well as review articles surveying developments in the various fields of linguistics, and occasional discussions. A considerable number of pages in each issue are devoted to critical book reviews. Lingua also publishes Lingua Franca articles consisting of provocative exchanges expressing strong opinions on central topics in linguistics; The Decade In articles which are educational articles offering the nonspecialist linguist an overview of a given area of study; and Taking up the Gauntlet special issues composed of a set number of papers examining one set of data and exploring whose theory offers the most insight with a minimal set of assumptions and a maximum of arguments. Lingua also publishes themed special issues and has the facility to publish supplementary material online, for example, audio and video files. Publishes 15 issues per year. ISSN 0024-3841
Linguistics and Education encourages submissions that apply theory and method from all areas of linguistics to the study of education. Areas of linguistic study include, but are not limited to: text/corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, functional grammar, discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, conversational analysis, linguistic anthropology/ethnography, language acquisition, language socialization, narrative studies, gesture/ sign /visual forms of communication, cognitive linguistics, literacy studies, language policy, and language ideology. These linguistic traditions may be applied to a wide variety of educational contexts, ranging from classroom settings in conventional institutional contexts, to distance learning taking place over the internet or through videoconferencing, to tutoring/advising/counseling sessions, to less formal sites where structured teaching, learning or apprenticeship related to any kind of knowledge or practice (academic, physical, spiritual, social) takes place. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): bi- and multilingual education, minority language education, second and foreign language teaching, literacy, gesture/multimodal communication, science/math teaching, cross and intercultural education, textual analysis of pedagogical materials, teacher education, code switching, collaborative/group learning, content-based learning, academic and other writing, dialects in education, teacher discourse, peer interaction, the use of computers and/or new media in education and digital literacies. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0898-5898
The Linguistics Journal is a refereed publication which aims at providing free on-line access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of linguistics. This is a wide-ranging field examining how languages are structured, how meanings and ideas are formed and encoded, how they are communicated and represented, and how they are decoded and interpreted. It is a discipline which is increasingly reaching across into other disciplinary areas to mutual benefit, and is, in this sense, evolving and dynamic in nature. The Linguistics Journal intends to represent this dynamism and seeks to provide a platform for publication of studies in the following fields: Phonetics and phonology, including studies in optimality theory; Semantics; Morphology; Syntax; Semiotics; Discourse analysis; Pragmatics and conversation analysis; Language acquisition; Psycholinguistics; Sociolinguistics including work into gender and new Englishes; Computational linguistics including corpus-based studies; Formal and functional linguistics; Pure, theoretical and pedagogic linguistics; And contrastive and comparative linguistics. Publishes 1 issue per year. ISSN1718-2301 eISSN1718-2298
Literacy is a refereed journal for those interested in the study and development of literacy. Its readership comprises practitioners, teacher educators, researchers and both undergraduate and graduate students. Literacy offers educators a forum for debate through scrutinising research evidence, reflecting on analysed accounts of innovative practice and examining recent policy developments. Literacy is the official journal of the United Kingdom Literacy Association (formerly the United Kingdom Reading Association), the professional association for teachers of literacy. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 1741-4350 eISSN 1741-4369
Literacy Research and Instruction (formerly Reading Research and Instruction ), the official journal of the Association of Literacy Educators & Researchers , is an international refereed professional journal that publishes articles dealing with research and instruction in reading education and allied literacy fields. The journal is especially focused on instructional practices and applied or basic research of special interest to reading and literacy educators. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1938-8071 eISSN 1938-8063
The phenomena of mind and language are currently studied by researchers in linguistics, philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, and cognitive anthropology. Mind & Language brings this work together in a genuinely interdisciplinary way. Along with original articles, the journal publishes forums, survey articles and reviews, enabling researchers to keep up-to-date with developments in related disciplines as well as their own. Publishes 5 issues per year. ISSN 0268-1064 eISSN 1468-0017
The Modern Language Journal is dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers and researchers of all modern foreign languages and English as a second language. The Modern Language Journal publishes documented essays, quantitative and qualitative research studies, response articles, and editorials that challenge paradigms of language learning and teaching. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0026-7902 eISSN 1540-4781
The Philippine English as a Second Language Journal studies the structure and development of English across the Philippines, and in particular, its relationship to and effect on local culture and local Filipino languages. The Journal is the sister journal to the Asian EFL Journal. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 1718-2298
Phonology is the only journal devoted to all aspects of the discipline, and provides a unique forum for the productive interchange of ideas among phonologists and those working in related disciplines. Preference is given to papers which make a substantial theoretical contribution, irrespective of the particular theoretical framework employed, but the submission of papers presenting new empirical data of general theoretical interest is also encouraged. The journal carries research articles, as well as book reviews and shorter pieces on topics of current controversy within phonology. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0952-6757 eISSN 1469-8188
Prospect: An Australian Journal of Teaching/Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages acted as a forum for those professionally involved in TESOL and applied linguistics. It reflected research and professional issues in TESOL and applied linguistics, including the adult and school sectors. It also explored the relationship between research, theory, practice and professional development. Prospect ceased publication in 2009 but maintains an archive.
Reading and Writing Quarterly provides direction in educating a mainstreamed population for literacy. It disseminates critical information to improve instruction for regular and special education students who have difficulty learning to read and write. Interdisciplinary in scope, the journal addresses the causes, prevention, evaluation, and remediation of reading and writing difficulties in regular and special education settings. It encourages manuscripts on teaching the reading and writing processes to students experiencing difficulties in these areas. Possible topics include adjustments for language-learning style, literature-based reading programs, teaching reading and writing in the mainstream, study strategies, language-centered computer curricula, oral language connections to literacy, cooperative learning approaches to reading and writing, direct instruction, curriculum-based assessment, the impact of environmental factors on instructional effectiveness, and improvement of self-esteem. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1057-3569 eISSN 1521-0693
The online journal Reading in a Foreign Language is a scholarly international refereed journal originally founded as a print journal in 1983 at the University of Aston, Birmingham, England. The journal moved to the University of Hawai‘i in 2002. Reading in a Foreign Language has established itself as an excellent source for the latest developments in the field, both theoretical and pedagogic, including improving standards for foreign language reading. The journal publishes articles concerning both the practice and theory of learning to read and the teaching of reading in any foreign or second language. Reviews of scholarly books and teaching materials, conference reports, and discussions are also solicited. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 1539-0578
Reading Online is a freely available, online-only publication of the International Reading Association (IRA), a professional organization of literacy educators. Its focus is literacy practice and research in classrooms serving students aged 5 to 18. “Literacy” is broadly defined to include traditional print literacy, as well as visual literacy, critical literacy, media literacy, digital literacy, and so on. The site offers original features and peer-reviewed articles, reviews, and website recommendations published between May 1997 and June 2005, along with resources reprinted from other IRA journals. It is offered as an archived collection. ISSN 1096-1232
Reading Psychology publishes original manuscripts in the fields of literacy, reading, and related psychology disciplines. Articles appear in the form of completed research; practitioner-based "experiential" methods or philosophical statements; teacher and counselor preparation services for guiding all levels of reading skill development, attitudes, and interests; programs or materials; and literary or humorous contributions. Publishes 6 issues per year. ISSN 0270-2711 eISSN 1521-0685
For more than 40 years, Reading Research Quarterly has been essential reading for those committed to scholarship on literacy among learners of all ages. The leading research journal in the field, each issue of Reading Research Quarterly includes: Reports of important studies; Multidisciplinary research; Various modes of investigation; And diverse viewpoints on literacy practices, teaching, and learning. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0034-0553 eISSN 1936-2722
The primary focus of ReCALL is the use of technologies for language learning and teaching, including all relevant aspects of research and development. Typical subjects for publication include theoretical debate on language learning strategies and their influence on courseware design; research and development of practical applications; evaluative studies of courseware used in the teaching and learning process; exploitation and assessment of the potential of technological advances in the delivery of language learning materials; discussions of policy and strategy at institutional and discipline levels. ReCALL aims to appeal to researchers and practitioners in the area of computer-assisted and technology-enhanced language learning, normally but not exclusively operating in universities. It is also of interest to language teachers in secondary and tertiary education who may be considering the introduction of technologies into their teaching practice. The Journal of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0958-3440 eISSN 1474-0109
The RELC Journal (A Journal of Language Teaching and Research) presents information and ideas on theories, research, methods and materials related to language learning and teaching. The journal welcomes contributions that have in mind the common professional concerns of both the practitioner and the researcher, providing a bridge between theory and practice. SEAMEO RELC promotes an approach to research on language and language–related concerns with particular reference to education, especially, although not exclusively, in Southeast Asia. Within this framework the journal publishes in such areas of current enquiry as first and second language learning and teaching, language and culture, discourse analysis, language planning, language testing, multilingual education, stylistics and translation. RELC Journal is published on behalf of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) Regional Language Centre (RELC), located in Singapore. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0033-6882 eISSN 1745-526X
Second Language Research publishes theoretical and experimental papers concerned with second language acquisition and second language performance. In addition to providing a forum for investigators in the field of non-native language learning, it seeks to promote interdisciplinary research which links acquisition studies to related non-applied fields such as: Neurolinguistics; Theoretical linguistics; First language developmental psycholinguistics. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0267-6583 eISSN 1477-0326
Studia Linguistica is committed to the publication of high quality, original papers and provides an international forum for the discussion of theoretical linguistic research, primarily within the fields of grammar, cognitive semantics and language typology. The principal aim is to open a channel of communication between researchers operating in traditionally diverse fields while continuing to focus on natural language data. Publishes 3 issues per year. ISSN 0039-3193 eISSN 1467-9582
Studies in Second Language Acquisition is a refereed journal of international scope devoted to the scientific discussion of issues in second and foreign language acquisition of any language. Each volume contains four issues, one of which is generally devoted to a current topic in the field. The other three issues contain articles dealing with theoretical topics, some of which have broad pedagogical implications, and reports of quantitative and qualitative empirical research. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0272-2631 eISSN 1470-1545
Syntax publishes a wide range of articles on the syntax of natural languages and closely related fields. The journal promotes work on formal syntactic theory and theoretically-oriented descriptive work on particular languages and comparative grammar. Syntax also publishes research on the interfaces between syntax and related fields such as semantics, morphology, and phonology, as well as theoretical and experimental studies in sentence processing, language acquisition, and other areas of psycholinguistics that bear on syntactic theories. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 1368-0005 eISSN 1467-9612
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics is an international journal dedicated to the publication of research papers on linguistics and welcomes contributions in all areas of the scientific study of language. The language of publication is English. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 1729-4649 eISSN 1994-2559
TESOL Journal is a refereed, practitioner-oriented electronic journal based on current theory and research in the field of TESOL.TESOL Journal is a forum for second and foreign language educators at all levels to engage in the ways that research and theorizing can inform, shape, and ground teaching practices and perspectives. Articles enable an active and vibrant professional dialogue about research - and theory - based practices as well as practice-oriented theorizing and research. Publishes 4 issues per year. eISSN 1949-3533
The TESOL Journal is a new, refereed publication which aims at providing free on-line access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of of English as an International Language. It has as its central theme EFL within Iran, however articles from the greater Middle Esat wil be accepted for review and publication. The journal invites articles that are research-based and address how EFL second language acquisition is taught in various contexts. Publishes 1-2 issues per year. ISSN 2094-3938
TESOL Quarterly, a professional, refereed journal, was first published in 1967. The Quarterly publishes articles on topics of signi?cance to individuals concerned with English language teaching and learning and standard English as a second dialect. As a publication that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical, the Quarterly invites manuscripts on a wide range of topics, especially in the following areas: Psychology and sociology of language learning and teaching; Issues in research and research methodology; Testing and evaluation; Professional preparation; Curriculum design and development; Instructional methods, materials, and techniques; Language planning; Professional standards. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0039-8322 eISSN 1545-7249
Text & Talk (founded as TEXT in 1981) is an internationally recognized forum for interdisciplinary research in language, discourse, and communication studies, focusing, among other things, on the situational and historical nature of text/talk production; the cognitive and sociocultural processes of language practice/action; and participant-based structures of meaning negotiation and multimodal alignment. Publishes 6 Issues per year. ISSN 1860-7349
The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal is a peer-reviewed professional journal with an editorial board of scholars in the fields of second language acquisition and applied linguistics. The journal seeks to disseminate research to educators around the world. It is interested in exploring issues related to L2 reading, L2 literacy in a broader sense, and other issues related to second language learning and teaching. This publication was created as an interactive journal, not an electronic version of a traditional print publication. Published 2 times a year. ISSN 1533-242X
The Web Journal of Modern Language Linguistics was published by the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Though publication has ceased it is still archived and free of charge. ISSN 1461-4499
The first Working Paper in Functional Grammar (WPFG) appeared in 1985. In 2003, when the papers were made available electronically, the name was changed to Web Papers in Functional Grammar (WPFG), and in 2008 to Web Papers in Functional Discourse Grammar (WP-FDG) contributing to ongoing discussions within Functional Grammar and now within Functional Discourse Grammar and raising new topics of concern. Publishes on an irregular basis.
The Western Journal of Communication is dedicated to the publication of original scholarship that enhances our understanding of human communication. Diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcome. The journal's longstanding commitment to multiple approaches, perspectives, and issues is reflected by its history of publishing research across rhetorical and media studies, interpersonal and intercultural communication, critical and cultural studies, language behavior, performance studies, small group and organizational communication, freedom of speech, and health and family communication. Publishes 5 issues per year. ISSN 1057-0314 eISSN 1745-1027
Women & Language, an international interdisciplinary research periodical, provides a feminist forum focused on issues of gender, communication, and language. Publishes 2 issues per year. ISSN 8755-4550
World Englishes is an international journal committed to theoretical research on methodological and empirical study of English in global, social, cultural and linguistic contexts. World Englishes is integrative in its scope and includes theoretical and applied studies on language, literature and English teaching, with emphasis on cross-cultural perspectives and identities. The journal provides recent research, critical and evaluative papers, and reviews from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and the Americas. Thematic special issues and colloquia appear regularly. Publishes 4 issues per year. ISSN 0883-2919 eISSN 1467-971X
Last updated: May 28, 2013 at 0:23 am
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In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else.
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