Infographic: World Language Families

I found this infographic the other day and thought that it would be of interest to you. I hope you find some value in it. Although we are more than just the sum of our language experience and culture is wrapped very tightly in language (or is it the other way around?) This infographic […]
Read MorePosted by Todd Vercoe
- Posted in Our Blog, Researcher's Blog, Teacher's Blog
Apr, 22, 2013
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Infographic: Should English Be The Official Language of the World?

I found this and thought I would share it with you. My feelings on the subject? I believe that our linguistic diversity is what makes us great. I believe we all should learn and be exposed to multiple languages. I am certain that specific ideas can only be expressed in specific languages. Though there […]
Posted by Todd Vercoe
- Posted in Our Blog, Researcher's Blog, Teacher's Blog
Apr, 22, 2013
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Infographic: Bilingualism Today: Meeting the Demands of the 21st Century

Since most of us here value the learning of languages, this inforgraphic shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. Still, I thought that some of you might find it interesting and thought I would share it with you. Enjoy! Any thoughts? Bilingualism Today: Meeting the Demands of the 21st Century infographic […]
Read MorePosted by Todd Vercoe
- Posted in Our Blog, Researcher's Blog, Student's Blog, Teacher's Blog
Feb, 22, 2013
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If everything is done for me… how will I ever learn?
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